True Man Show…
By Mr Scribbles
If you’re looking for anything in here that references the
ongoing saga of Body Worn Cameras, good, bad, or indifferent, you’re going to
be disappointed. Because of ongoing litigation, there will be no further mention
of this topic. Sorry, I’ll certainly tackle this as soon as possible, win, lose
or draw in the courts.
Failed Democratic
Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders celebrated his surrender with the
purchase of a new home. The self-proclaimed “poorest member of Congress”, (net
worth about $525k) bought a new home (his third) for $575K on an island in Lake
Champlain. Holy crap, how lavish a lifestyle do the richest members of Congress
live? Anyone want to bet the mortgage is being paid by the Clinton Foundation?
pacifier…whine stopper.
Protesting in the
heat can be quite demanding, and at a recent Boston #BLM march, the Department
rolled out their Ice Cream Truck, and dished out water and hoodsies. Protesters
only though, none of the cops assigned to the event that I spoke to got a
treat. And that little fire, made from a cruiser was just to make some S’Mores.
Nothing to see here folks, move along…move along…
It should be
against the law to show those depressing commercials featuring abused animals
and starving kids during comedies. It’s an emotional roller coaster going from
Sally Struthers to Tommy Boy. (thanks Kev-got you in this one LOL)
I’m not sure I like
the idea of driverless cars. I mean who do you give the finger to for bad
Do dogs that
travel to different time zones suffer from jet wag? (thanks, JtP!)
It seems a member of
the Command Staff who left the air conditioned office, jumped in the air
conditioned Department car, and travelled to some other air conditioned building
for a meeting came across a group of cops on assignment GASP, …not wearing
their hats! I mean it was only 90+ degrees outside. Who do those guys think
they are standing out in the heat not wearing that navy blue unventilated heat
magnet? Luckily the boss didn’t stop to chastise the Officers, I mean God
Forbid some of that precious cool air drift onto the unwashed patrol force. If
an Officer without a hat is the biggest worry at HQ, I’d say, they don’t have a
thing to worry about. There was also no deployment of the Yankee Hoodsie 5 to
the area…
You know you’re
an old-timer when you don’t recognize anyone on morning watches.
Funny how activists
and politicians are calling on US to be more accountable, these are the same
people who have forced us to deal with issues that are not law enforcement
related. WE (Police) should not be responding to unruly kindergarten students.
That’s what TEACHERS get paid to do. We should not have to go to a home because
Junior won’t get up for school or Missy won’t get off her cell phone and do her
homework. That’s a PARENT’S job. Putting baby seats in a car? C’mon, if the
insurance companies are so worried about liability, let Liberty Mutual put the
baby seats in. Giving me Narcan doesn’t solve the Opioid crisis, but then
neither does removing the benches from bus stops at Mass and Albany. That’s a
job for the Boston Public Health Commission. Oh, and while you’re at it BPHC,
can we get some of the insane people off the street too, it’s really not fair
to THEM! Instead of making us the whipping boy because all the feel good
programs, gun control, and other social experiments of the last 50 or so years
have FAILED, YOU be accountable, and DO YOUR JOB! (sorry Belichick) Yes, part,
a big part of policing is helping people, but when you see the same problems
day in and day out, and those who have the power (or claim to speak truth to
power) REFUSE to address these issues, then shut the hell up about how we
(Police) deal with them.
Everyone seems to be concerned about the health of
Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton. Her coughing fits,
dizziness, inability to distinguish truth from fiction (or lies if you prefer)
is not from some neurological disorder or chemical imbalance. It’s PTSD from
that sniper fire she survived in Bosnia.
It’s been so hot this
summer that my M&M’s DID melt in my hand.
In a move that
left much to the imagination, Bill Clinton met US AG Loretta Lynch when their
private jets just so happened to pass time on the same tarmac. They both claim
to have spoken only about their grandchildren, and non-political topics,
especially the ongoing Hillary Clinton Email scandal. OK, I’ll buy that
lie…Bill: “hey Loretta, you know it would suck if our grandchildren had to
visit Hillary in jail. And yours had to visit you at the unemployment office.
Maybe if Hillary wins, you stay on as AG or maybe go to work on Wall St or our
foundation…” Stay tuned, and follow the money.
OK, I’m about 1000
words in, and I can’t stay off the topic of BWC. My feeling is the Patriots
will go 3-1 during Brady’s 4 game suspension, then #12 comes back and shreds
every opponent the rest of the season
and into the Superbowl to completely clear his name, and Brady Wins Championship. #freebrady #superbowlpday
Speaking of the
NFL, 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick caused a commotion when he refused to stand
during the National Anthem. Kaepernick (who is Bi-racial, and was raised by
white parents-hey that sounds familiar) stated:
"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country
that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL
Media in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger
than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There
are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with
Now I ask you, gentle reader, who could this privileged
millionaire mean when he references “people getting paid leave and getting away
with murder”? This is just another case of a pampered athlete opening his
stupid mouth and injecting himself into events he obviously knows nothing about.
If he came from the hood, and overcame violence or abuse all the way to the
NFL, I’d give his words some weight. But this guy? Did I mention his girlfriend Nessa Diab is an
activist involved with Muslim causes, the Black Panther Party, and of course,
#BlackLivesMatter. Is this a genuine protest or is this donkey just trying to
impress his girl? After all he wasn’t just sitting on the bench during the
anthem, it’s his new position. File under: Benchwarmer.
Not to be outdone, players on several teams
are now protesting the anthem, with fist salutes or taking a knee, including
members of the Patriots. The NFL is not taking action, claiming they support
the social activism of their players. OK, BUT this same NFL also refused to let
the Dallas Cowboys display a helmet patch honoring the 5 murdered Dallas Cops. Way
to go Goodell. #alllivesmatter, #bluelivesmatter
I find it very disheartening that after 30+
years, my department and my city no longer seem to trust me to provide service and protection to citizens in
My cat came home after being missing for
four days looking like, well like something the cat dragged in…
I passed a dog that was shaking badly. I asked
the owner if the dog was cold, he said: “No…he’s got Barkinson’s” (thanks,
Massachusetts AG Maura Healey is so jealous
of Barack Obama being named Gun Salesman of the year that she instituted an
“assault weapons ban” stripping Law Abiding residents of the Commonwealth of
their RIGHT to own firearms of a certain type. This ban has nothing to do with
crime, only a grand standing ploy to appease liberals and back door gun control
opposition. Why isn’t the ACLU rushing to the defense of gun owners who are
having their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS violated by an AG who’s pushing the
Democratic agenda. Don’t fret gentle reader, there is a law enforcement
exemption so our guns are safe for now. I guess only the Mayor and the
Commissioner don’t want us to have long rifles. #blackgunsmatter
candidate for President Donald Trump visited Mexico after being invited by its
President Enrique Nieto. Democratic contender Hillary Clinton, declined the
offer. (in retrospect she should have, she could use the trip as an excuse for
her health problems-Montezuma’s revenge and all that LOL) The two discussed
several topics, including the border wall and Trump’s claim that Mexico will
pay for it. Nieto took to Twitter saying there was talk, but Mexico would not
be paying for the wall. Trump fired back saying the topic was discussed,
briefly, but the matter of payment was tabled for a later date. In a related
story Mexican Finance Minister Luis Videgaray resigned some say as a direct
result of the meeting between Nieto and Trump. The minister was instrumental in
arranging the meet, and became the scapegoat after negative protests over the
summit. I’m guessing he showed Trump “the books”. File under: Good fences make
good neighbors.
At the 15 year Anniversary Memorial marking
the terrorist attacks of 9/11, Hilary Clinton took a flop. I would have bet the
spin would have painted her as overcome with emotion, but instead Clinton was
hospitalized with pneumonia and dehydration, brought on by the heat and
humidity that day (damn this woman even lies about the weather!)Conspiracy
theorists are buzzing about a mysterious metallic object that fell from Mrs
Clinton’s clothing as she was hustled into a waiting van. Guesses include: microphone,
car keys (she hasn’t driven a car in 40 years, cmon), inhaler( with pneumonia a
possibility) a catheter, a lighter, her dignity, a lie detector(which obviously
committed suicide)her sunglass arm (the official response-though she had them
on with both arms exiting the docs) a brace, an alien communication device, a
thumb drive with either the deleted Benghazi emails or Trumps 1040’s, Marcellus
Wallace’s soul (take that Tarantino!)bug repellant (don’t want to catch that
nasty Zika virus) Trump’s comb, her leash, lipstick (don’t go there Sarah
Palin) the Necronomicon, pics from Carlos Danger, or my guess: Bill’s libido.
Speaking of whacky theories, #BLM’s website
claims “Police giving out ice cream is a plot to kill black people.” I honestly
don’t even know where to go with this. It’s so silly, I’m not even going to try
to make a bigger joke out of such a ridiculous statement. FOR SALE: Brand new
Ice Cream truck, slightly used, contact Boston Police…
Birmingham Alabama Police are facing a
social media backlash, after a picture of one of their Officers holding a baby
whose parents OD’ed went viral. The child’s father died, and her mother is
still hospitalized. The Officer comforted the child and her siblings for over 6
hours during the incident, but family members claim the cop “exploited the
child…hey “family members” your relative did all the exploiting here. File
under: No good deed goes unpunished.
My land-line only seems to ring during election
season. And lately it’s been ringing off the hook! I’ll admit, sometimes I
answer just to mess with the silly liberals and their socialist agenda. I love
caller ID!!
And in an election season with a high
turnout expected because the Presidency is at stake, why do some politicians
look to throw away a truck load of votes for a wheelbarrow full? Appeasement is
never the answer, and folding to a very vocal minority at the expense of
alienating loyal supporters doesn’t show you care about the little guy, it only
shows you’re a spineless coward who’ll fold like a paper fan in the face of
adversity. (any resemblance to any politician, of any party, living or dead is
purely coincidental) The empty trash can makes the most noise.
Because of the Voldemort Restrictions (you know
he who shall not be named) my column may appear to be a bit dark, I faced a
writer’s block because as you know, my article tends to embrace topics that we
(cops) discuss among ourselves, and not being able to address the biggest one
lately, I was at a bit of a loss. Suffice to say, no other profession faces the
scrutiny and Monday Morning Quarterbacking that we do. It’s always Us VS. Them here, but now I see it’s
really Them vs. Us. There’s a
difference. They want to break us, to
destroy our Brotherhood. They use
words like restraint, transparency de-escalation, and accountability, all words
or actions that WILL lead to injury or worse if we let them set the agenda. So please, whatever the future holds for us,
good or bad, don’t let it change the way we do our job. A job I will add, none
of them want to do. Stay safe, watch
your back and the backs of your fellow cops, all we have is each other, no one
else seems to give a …*poop*
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