Mr Scribbles
Swim up bars are cool until you realize the guy next to you has had 8 beers and hasn’t left his stool…
Stepping into a clump of seaweed in the ocean turns everyone into a screeching 12 year old girl…
I came thisclose to starting a fight at a bar in Aruba. They had nothing but soccer on the TV’s and I asked the bartender if he could put on some sports…
OK, I’m certainly not chiseled from stone, BUT despite a muffin top and chesticles, when I go to the beach, I don’t wear a shirt (sorry for that visual, but it’s for the good of the bit). I get pissed when I see people wearing giant hats, long sleeved shirts and long pants on the beach. I mean, really why bother??
My Aruban vacation has been like Trump’s campaign. I’m smoking those Cubans.
Leonardo DiCaprio won an Oscar for his role in “The Revenant” (another remake but more on that later). During his acceptance speech, Leo waved the panic flag of Climate Change, claiming they had trouble finding a place with enough snow to make the film. Hey Leo, you could have used Massachusetts last year we had about ten feet of fluffy white global warming. And by the way, parking your luxury motor coach under a couple of pines trees doesn’t make you an outdoorsman.
Republican front runner Donald Trump got into a war of words with the Pope. It seems Francis believes building a wall is “not Christian”. Hmm, last time I checked Vatican City has a wall, and if you don’t follow the rules of the church, Heaven may not be your final destination…just sayin’
In NYC, a Craigslist sneaker dealer named Phillipe Pierre, arranged to meet a buyer to sell him a pair of Jordans. The buyer, Zachary Sam, however had other ideas, whipping out a gun, and robbing the sneaker guy, who not to be outdone, swung his car around and chased down the ARMED robber, eventually running him down, and pinning him to a fence, severing the unlucky mugger’s arm. NYPD has charged them both…any bets that Sam’s charges are dropped to “unarmed” robbery? Pierre should get a medal. File under: one armed bandit
Apple and the US Government are sparring over whether or not the Tech giant will/can unlock the phone of Muslim terrorist Farooq Saeed, you remember him, an adherent to the religion of peace, who along with his wife, was involved in the San Bernadino attack that left 14 dead and more wounded. Strangely enough, I’m siding with Apple, with this caveat: it is a privacy issue that involves us all. This should be decided by a judge, and a set of rules outlining certain criteria/protocols must be established, and which need to be met in order to trigger going around a user’s security features. The 4th Amendment guarantees privacy, and this is after everything else, a privacy case. Now, I’m not saying that this case doesn’t meet the criteria. These savages brutally shot people down in the name of allah, and their privacy and rights are null and void, after such an act. Couple that with the fact that they’re dead (and good riddance, I hope they’re burning in Hell as you read this), and it appears on the surface to be a no-brainer, BUT, Uncle Sam needs to be reminded, the US Constitution is there to protect the rest of us citizens who don’t need a tool like that in the wrong hands. Need I remind you of the IRS targeting of Conservatives?
FBI informant and murderous Southie gangster Whitey Bulger was disciplined for (ahem) “sexual misconduct” in his prison cell. Talk about trying to beat the rap…
A Boston Herald article claims “angry, fast-thinking” voters are going with Trump. Funny, I don’t remember seeing a “stupid, non-thinking” voters going for Hillary article.
Looks like Boston voters may be mulling a ban on plastic grocery bags soon. A petition is making its way to City Hall, proposing paper bags make a comeback so as to lessen the impact on the environment. Now when I was a kid, I worked in a grocery store. All items were placed in brown paper bags. Then these eco-nazis told us we had to “save the trees” and “paper or plastic” became a punch-line until paper bag use was almost zero. Fast forward 30+ years, and now these same eco-nazis want us to go back to paper bags. So I guess all the trees are saved then? Those hugs have paid off? OR is this just some other silly cause du jour for liberals. I say, it’s the law of unintended consequences. As with most knee-jerk reactions, the down the road impact is never looked at until it’s stuck in your Japanese Maple or melted into the catalytic converter of your Prius. File under: Fool me once…
The Oscar buzz this year didn’t focus on any one movie or actor, but rather a lack of diversity and a hint at Hollywood racism. During the broadcast, several skits poking fun at the fact there were no black nominees, were humorous but overdone diminishing their message. Studios and lefty performers like to talk a good game, but when it comes down to it, Hollywood is never about black or white, it’s always about green. (the money kind not the environment kind) Anyone think those giant egoed phonies would pass up a role for diversity? What else do you expect from a place where everything is make-believe and nothing is original?
$3k has been allocated by the City of Boston to provide ashtrays around the city with funny polls. You know like the tip jars in local coffee shops that let you “tip/vote: for your favorite Pokemon or chicken wing flavor. How about this poll: Why is it OK to single out one group to be treated like lepers? 1: I’m concerned about health issues 2: I’m a bully. I’ll vote with my butt, straight into the gutter. And has anyone looked at the impact on the homeless? Sniping butts keeps them from smoking a whole cigarette. I demand a study!
The contract for Police Detectives has finally been settled, and approved by the City Council, but not without some concern over its financial impact on Boston. I can’t recall that esteemed body being so fiscally concerned when they got their raise…just sayin’
“Welcome to Hamsterdam” is displayed on the revolving marquee at a car wash smack in the middle of what some jokingly refer to as Zombieland. You know, the area near Mass Av and Cass Blvd where junkies and the homeless meet and greet visitors and commuters to our fair city with shaking cups, dirty squeegees, and a smell that cannot be described, especially during warmer weather. It’s an area that receives constant Police attention, and I’m sure if the numbers were looked at, would show a drain on City services like no other 4 block spot in the Boston. BUT looming over Boston Fire Department HQ is a billboard that boldly states addiction is not a choice, but a disease. OK, I’m buying. If it’s a disease, then why are we not putting these folks somewhere until they are cured. You know a hospital (or secure treatment facility if you prefer) so that they are not left on the street to die of OD, be arrested for whatever reason or exposed to the elements, or worse, spread this misery to others. In other words, actually help them! I know you can’t catch heroin out of thin air, but there are a myriad of alphabet diseases you can! This epidemic now coined the “Opioid Crisis” has become quite a money maker, so despite all the feel good programs, success is doomed, because greed has replaced good intentions. So here’s my solution, as simple as it sounds. Narcan revival comes with automatic 45-60 day MANDATORY COMMITTED DETOX (not the 30 days currently being entertained on Beacon Hill). Needle exchange,GONE. Methadone, and suboxone, will only be available through45-60 day MANDATORY COMMITTED DETOX, and finally if you’re caught dealing heroin, 25 years Fed time for first offense, Life for 2nd, Life without parole for 3rd. Why not, somewhere along the line these POS dealers are responsible for an overdose or three, so make them do the time. Add full confiscation of property too, and use the moneys realized to offset the cost of treatment/enforcement. Face it gentle reader, this ain’t going away on its own, we need to take drastic action.
Obama has passed an Executive Order on Gun Control. You can see his depth of commitment on this issue, because it doesn’t address illegal gun possession, only legal gun ownership. Look no further than the local case of Stephen Silva, who served only 17 months behind bars after “loaning” his pal Dzokhar Tsarnaev an ILLEGAL GUN that was used to KILL MIT Police Officer Sean Collier, and later in a shoot out with Police. Now my stance on the 2nd Amendment is well known, but I do think guns need to be kept out of the hands of criminals, and terrorists. So, as with my previous item, let’s get serious about this. If caught with an illegal weapon (not license expired or driving through another jurisdiction possession) 10 years in prison. Altered/damaged serial numbers, tack on another 5 years. Use it in a crime, 25 years. Deal illegal guns, 25 years on each count. Go after these straw purchasers, not sit on 100’s of cases like Holder’s DOJ. (Who appointed THAT guy? oh yeah that’s right…). Make it uncomfortable on a criminal to use/possess a gun, and maybe Mr President, you can make an impact, not by harassing LEGAL, RESPONSIBLE gun ownership.
Local heroes Bob Kraft and Tom Brady are catching the heat for their support of friend Donald Trump. Fans claim their backing of the Republican front runner may affect attendance. C’mon, really? If an average ticket price of $125, parking fees, traffic and $8 bucks for a small beer, aren’t affecting attendance, then I don’t think who Tom and Bob are voting for will either.
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