Monday, September 10, 2018

By Mr Scribbles

            I won’t say we get knee jerk assignments, but after terrorist attacks in Brussels, cops were ordered on Code 19’s at local IHOP’s because they serve Belgian Waffles.
     We’re being told to do more with less, but you can’t do anything with nothing…#yaordered
     I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there is NOTHING in sports that can match Playoff Hockey…NOTHING!!!
     Memo to the Public Health Commission: there is no such thing as a “bad batch” of heroin. It’s kinda all bad. And like cigarettes, everyone already knows it.
     Only the cops went without food/water during the “Walk for Hunger”
     A student from the University of Virginia Otto Warmbier, was arrested and sentenced to 15 years hard labor after he took down a political banner in North Korea during a trip there on Spring Break. The 21 year old from Ohio’s pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears, saying it was a stupid mistake. Hey kid, why didn’t you just go to Lauderdale for Spring Break like everyone else? There’s no such thing as “Girls Gone Wild Pyongyang”
     Movie Pet Peeves: Cops get shot or hurt in a fight, patched up in an ambulance, then back to the street, when characters go outside in the south during the summer, they are never set upon by swarms of insects. Patrons at a bar simply order Beer, Wine, or Whiskey, and traffic only occurs as a plot device. And there’s never any fat or ugly people at the beach/pool/lake unless the homicidal murderer needs a non-sexual victim or the main characters have to make fun of someone.
     Watching the Frozen Four got me to wondering why the “Fighting Sioux” is offensive, but the “Fighting Irish” is not?
     I’m no doctor, but I’m pretty sure getting anxiety fueled chest pains on your ride into work ain’t good… 
     When people use the phrase “living the dream” I remind them that a nightmare is a dream TOO!
     Is it just me or does anyone else feel like Shrek when they use those green foam earplugs on a construction detail? File under: go ahead and laugh, I can’t hear you anyway…
     Whenever I hear the Command Staff say “that won’t happen here” whenever we ask for some equipment, I always want to scream “again”…      
     While at City Hall recently, I had the pleasure of using the new any gender bathroom, but wasn’t sure if I should stand up or sit down.
     On Marathon Monday, as I drive in I yell taunts or encouragements to the everyday joggers.
     Bernie Sanders is Ron Paul for Democrats. #thirdpartycandidate #feelthebern-outs
     Swedish Researchers have found a cure for sex addiction…wait for it…wait for it… a Hillary Clinton/Elizabeth Warren Presidential ticket…you thought I was going to say marriage didn’t you. Even I’m not that stupid.
     Speaking of marriage, being married is like being the Washington Generals, (that’s the team that has to play the Harlem Globetrotters every night-if you didn’t know). You know you’ll never win, but you’ve got to pretend you’re trying to.
       I was in a Starbucks recently, and the guy in front of me ordered a “decaf espresso”. Some people will NEVER get it.
     ASPCA: sad unwanted dogs. UNICEF: sad hungry children. Let the hungry kids eat the unwanted dogs. PROBLEM SOLVED! (thanks Kev!)
     MEMO TO HQ: Since you allow citizens to register complaints against Police Officers on line, why not let them fill out their own simple reports on line as well (lost property, cell phones, minor accidents, shoplifting under ,etc (under the pains and penalties of perjury, of course). Simply use a form with required fill in the blank fields, and hit submit. You’d free up plenty of cops to do other Police functions, like Code 19’s, traffic enforcement, the possibilities are endless. (thanks Sgt Ed)
     Hillary Clinton accused Republican Governors of enforcing modern day “Jim Crow” laws in order to keep minority voters away from the polls. Hmmm, “Jim Crow” laws were established by DEMOCRATS to keep minorities down, and the only folks who bogged down polling were the New Black Panther Party and her husband Slick Willie, neither of whom will EVER be confused with a Republican.
     Citizens all over Boston are complaining about needles left in and around parks and playgrounds. Now I ask you, gentle reader, are we (cops, EMT’s and other first responders) shocked or surprised by this? The Public Health Commission bureaucrats and politicians who enable these addicts should be forced to perform the clean up.
      Outbreaks have been reported of the “Zika” virus which can cause birth defects if a woman is bitten by an infected mosquito, OR the virus can be sexually transmitted if a man has been bitten by an infected mosquito and (ahem) you know… Now this is a CRISIS. If Health Officials don’t find a way to control this it will be a long hard summer indeed.
       On a recent flight from Boston to Seattle, Maggie McMuffin, a burlesque performer, was told she could not board the Jet Blue plane because she was dressed inappropriately in short shorts and thigh high socks. She was compelled to cover up, or not get on. The pictures are easy to find online-you be the judge, but I’ll bet the gate agents wouldn’t say A WORD if she was wearing a burkha…
     With Donald Trump securing the Republican Presidential nomination amid much controversy, it looks like political junkies are in for a treat, regardless of who comes out of the Democratic Primaries. Bernie Sanders,is like a drunk uncle at the cookout just won’t quit, and he’s forcing Hillary to fight a two front war. She on the other hand (IMHO as despicable a person that ever lived) continues to act as though she’s already won both the primary AND the presidency. I can’t wait for these debates; any takers on the “strong” woman shedding a tear while under attack and crying foul? If you can’t stand the heat…
     Marty Walsh will be travelling to China on a junket, and will speak to the Commies on pollution. Hey Mr Mayor, instead of spending all that cash to go around the world, why don’t you trot over to Frontage Road. The new traffic light cycles are causing traffic to gridlock all over the city, as well as causing countless hits and near misses for pedestrians. Oh, and all those cars idling cause…pollution. Either that or change the name of that Department from Transportation back to TRAFFIC, because that’s what they’re causing.
     Showing that the tail does wag the dog in modern America, laws have been passed allowing about 1/100th of 1% of our population who are transgendered to use whichever bathroom they’d like depending on how they’re identifying when the urge strikes. Now I’m not saying anything bad about people who are transgendered, but is this a priority we need to worry about? Opponents have argued that this opens the door to allow perverts (I’m NOT referring to the T/G folks here) access to what used to be exclusive gender specific areas, especially in schools and gyms and other public places. Funny how Liberals always tout the tag “it’s for the children” of course they can actually work a bit harder and craft a bill that’s “for the children”. How soon before this ends in disaster…
      A crazed individual; Arthur DeRosa, armed with a knife attacked two women in their home, killing one and injuring the other, then, this just discharged from the hospital deranged maniac, smashed a car into the Emerald Square Mall in Taunton, and attacked shoppers. An unarmed teacher tried to stop the attacker, but was fatally stabbed, and this rampage would have continued but for the actions of an off-duty Deputy who shot Derosa and ended the spree. Lucky for the Deputy, the DA and his boss went to bat for him, praising him for his quick action.I’m proud to add a “good job, Sir” as well. I’m shocked no one complained about the Deputy violating the mall’s no weapons policy. Remember folks the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun( or in this case a knife), is a good guy with a gun. Carry.Everday. Everywhere.
       Harambe, an endangered gorilla at the Cincinatti zoo was shot and killed by zoo officials after a child fell into his enclosure. This action sparked an uproar from animal right’s activists and others of the shooting with the MMQB’s tossing out all kinds of solutions. Funny not one of those present risked hopping in there to save the kid. I’m with the zoo on this one, it was a damn shame but no matter how endangered the species, saving another human is paramount. Now for those of you do-gooders who are so concerned about animal rights, the Great White Shark is threatened, so I’ll be hosting a swim with the sharks day off Cape Cod. Free bacon wetsuits will be provided with ham flippers for those wishing  to participate.
     I mentioned the transgender bathroom story already, but it got me thinking, gun owners and smokers outnumber transgender people by a wide margin, YET why are they being treated poorly by Big Government and Society in general? Think about it, smokers are subject to usury taxes on cigarettes, forced outside in all kinds of weather, and treated with a general disdain by non-smokers. Gun owners also face intrusive background checks, absurd regulations, high fees for licensing, and Gun Free Zones. How about a politician or two pandering to these groups? They encompass every slice of America. White, black, rich, poor, Republican, Democrat, man,woman, straight,gay, tall, short, fat, thin, you get the picture. We smokers and gun owners should DEMAND Equal Rights! So light up wherever you want, and say you’re identifying as a non-smoker or carry your gun proudly nad claim you identify with the unarmed sheep. Why not, it works for every other group…
     A Boston cop was filmed by a do-gooder taking a jaywalker to task after that guy struck his car as he was driving by ON A GREEN LIGHT. The media ran with it, and it was lead story stuff. Now I ask you, gentle reader if that cop was say a carpenter or a plumber, would it have even been a news worthy? I think we all know the answer to that one. No further comments as this is an on-going investigation into a nothing incident.
     An Auburn Police Officer Ronald Tarantino Jr was shot in the back and killed by a career criminal, Jorge Zambrano, who was out on bail for other offenses. Tarantino had stopped an SUV with attached plates on what the media always refers to as a routine stop (but we cops are all wise to that phrase). As Tarantino walked back to his cruiser, this human piece of filth shot him. Tarantino died shortly after at the hospital. When Zambrano himself was killed by a State Police SWAT team, the ensuing investigation revealed (what we seasoned Officers know) a broken system that left this oxygen thief among the law abiding citizens. Lax judges, case heavy parole Officers, and other liberal policies allowed him to continually weasel his way forward to that fateful encounter. Now children are fatherless, and a wife has become a widow, because We as a society have bought into the fact that everyone is a victim. This is a LIE, there is EVIL among us, and society needs to realize that the Police are there to keep the Zambranos of this world under control, and in order to do that, Society needs to realize we do isn’t always pretty

“People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.” George Orwell

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